"Keep moving forward." - Walt Disney.
This is one of my favorite quotes. It tells me how to live my life and what when any storm arises. My plans right now are to focus on schoolwork. Currently I want to travel the world helping people. That is my dream and I am going to focus on achieving that. "I've gotta dream, I've gotta dream. I just want to see the floating lanterns gleam. And with every passing hour I'm so glad I left my tower. Like all you lovely folks I've gotta dream." - Tangled.
I know that I am suppose to be dating this semester but to be quite blunt I don't want to. Personally I just want to go into a profession and help people for the rest of my life. I do believe that for now I can focus on that dream but eventually I'll have to do the most intimidating thing there is on the planet: date. YIKES! I get to learn and I get to expand my mind which is one of the few things that is keeping me going. Call me a nerd but I am actually really excited to be learning the things I am learning about in my classes! :D Last night I was super thrilled to try to help someone in Pre-Calculus. I understand the stuff but since time was short I wasn't able to be of much help. I wish I could have been given more time. I have discovered that there just isn't any time to waste it in the prospect of what could have been. There is just too much work to be done. Besides that I would much rather allow myself to be happy than soak around in misery. Seriously, who would want to mope around all the time? I can't change my environment or other people but I can change the way I view things and I can change how I respond to things. "So I put on foot in front of the other no no nothing's gonna break my stride. I keep climbing gonna keep fighting until I make it to the other side of down." -David Archuleta
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