I became interested in quotes by Joseph Smith. I remember one quote by him when he was on his way to Carthage Jail he spoke to those who were traveling with him. He said "you be careful of which music you listen to because not all music is of God." He also mentioned that hard rock was not of God. Why would a loving God want us to listen to angry music or music that screams at us? Doesn't the Spirit whisper things to us rather than yell? Why then with this in mind would music that raised its tone in malice be uplifting or comforting? What is so comforting about something that drives the Spirit away? If that's the case then doesn't it seem logical that certain kinds of music drives the Spirit away? Just something to think about...
Anyways, as I was searching for this quote and I could not find it. I decided to search for quotes by Joseph Smith under the topic of forgiveness. I chose this topic because I figured that I needed to hear something about forgiveness. I discovered one quote that had a lot of power and meant a lot to me. "One of the most pleasing scenes that can occur on earth, when a sin has been committed by one person against another, is, to forgive that sin; and then according to the sublime and perfect pattern of the Savior, pray to our Father in heaven to forgive him also." I never thought of praying to the Father that He will forgive someone. I believe that there is power in prayer.
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